Ever wondered what’s creeping around in the Deepest Parts of the Gulf of Mexico

Ever wondered what’s creeping around in the Deepest Parts of the Gulf of Mexico

If you have any interest in the marine life and the species that are living thousands of feet down in water, you must know that the answers are going to be bigshocking for you to watch. For the love of marine life and exploration regarding the different types surviving deep in the Gulf of Mexico…

Camera Captures 25 Perfect Pictures, A Treat for Eyes!

Camera Captures 25 Perfect Pictures, A Treat for Eyes!

Photography has been a very common hobby from a long time now but with the growth in passion of photography the technology has also evolved also. The transformation in technology has led to the interest of people grow stronger. The improvement has caused photographer to take more interest in capturing unique clicks better than one…

History of Tattoos

History of Tattoos

Tattoo is basically a form of body modification done by the use of inserting ink in to skin layer and it led in changing the pigment. This can be done for number of purposes including medical purpose. In this article we will discuss history of tattoos, 3D-tattoos, difference between 3D-tattoos and 2D-tattoos and the end…