Weird Facts about England You Didn’t Know

Weird Facts about England You Didn’t Know

England, a country known for its rich history, iconic landmarks, and cultural diversity, is also a treasure trove of peculiarities and eccentricities that often fly under the radar. Beneath the polished surface of traditional customs and stiff upper lips, England harbors a world of weirdness waiting to be explored. From bizarre traditions to peculiar laws,…

Camera Captures 25 Perfect Pictures, A Treat for Eyes!

Camera Captures 25 Perfect Pictures, A Treat for Eyes!

Photography has been a very common hobby from a long time now but with the growth in passion of photography the technology has also evolved also. The transformation in technology has led to the interest of people grow stronger. The improvement has caused photographer to take more interest in capturing unique clicks better than one…

20 Interesting Facebook META Facts You Need to Know!

20 Interesting Facebook META Facts You Need to Know!

META (Facebook) is an online social networking site having more than 60,000 employees with three subsidiaries companies WhatsApp, Oculus VR and Instagram. The general Meta facts are that, Mark Zuckerberg is considered as the founder and Facebook is the most widely used social site founded in 4th February 2004. Within few years this site ranked…